Taxation events

Agok actively participates with KRA and Treasury to foster collaboration and dialogue and dialogue between gaming operators and tax authorities. For instance, AGOK representatives engage in Commissioner Domestic Taxes Roundtable discussions, facilitating mutual understanding and cooperation to address tax-related matters within the gaming industry.

Public Participation

AGOK engages Law makers in advocating for conducive legislation and regulation of the gaming sector. Through participation in public forums, consultations, and feedback mechanisms, AGOK ensures that the interests of gaming operators are represented and considered in decision-making processes.

KEPSA Participation

As a member of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), AGOK actively contributes to initiatives aimed at promoting business growth, sustainability, and advocacy for a conducive regulatory environment. AGOK’s engagement with KEPSA allows for collaborative efforts in addressing industry challenges and advocating for policy reforms beneficial to gaming operators.

Training on BCLB (Kenya's Gaming Law)

AGOK organizes and participates in training sessions conducted by the Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB), aimed at enhancing operators’ understanding of regulatory requirements and compliance standards. These training initiatives empower gaming operators with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate responsibly within the legal framework set by the BCLB.

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